My beautiful and wonderful wife, being the beauty and wonder that she is, had a friend secretly ship the above selection of beers. This may not be so great for those of you out there on the west coast, but for this east coast beer guy I can't think of anything better.
For those who don't know, these are
I have wanted to try these beers for years and kept hoping I would one day stumble upon them at the local package store. I had given up hope and thought that my only shot was to make a trip out west and try them at the brewery. While a trip to "Wine Country" would still be superb, I'll happily enjoy these beers while sitting here in not-so-snowy-yet New England.
I'm pretty sure that triple X is an eel river brew. Either that or I tasted more then I should've when I did my Nor-Cal coastal brewery tour! :-P
Great gal ya got there...keeper for sure!
Thanks for pointing that out. With the "-tion" name and the metal-looking thingy on the label, I just assumed it was another Russian River beer. Clearly I didn't look carefully enough at it!
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